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Xebex Air Plus Expert 3.0

The Xebex AirPlus Expert Bike 3.0 features both air and 8 different levels of magnetic resistance for a wide range of resistance levels. This allows you to customize your workout according whatever fitness goals you have, such as increasing your endurance, improving workout time, recovery, strength, explosiveness, etc. Patent pending.

Belt Drive
You can expect a smooth and relatively quiet ride thanks to its belt drive. The belt requires less maintenance compared to chain-drive air bikes.

Adjust Resistance through a Wide Range
The Xebex AirPlus Expert Bike features both air and 8 different levels of magnetic resistance for a wide range of resistance levels. This allows you to customize your workout according whatever fitness goals you have, such as increasing your endurance, improving workout time, recovery, strength, explosiveness, etc. If you’re a trainer, you can now train clients of various fitness levels, purpose, age, gender, with our AirPlus Expert Bike thanks to its adjustability in intensity and resistance.

Levels 1-2: Lighter than most standard air bike resistances. This is a key differentiator of the Xebex AirPlus Expert Bike 3.0 since most other air bikes on the market are not suitable for LISS cardio work as the resistance is too heavy and users tire out too quickly. This range is uniquely designed to be light and suitable for LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio work, marathon training or long distance running/biking, and younger/elder athletes.
Levels 3-5: This resistance range matches the resistance of virtually all other air bikes in the world. We suggest using level 4 for what we think is the best feeling and efficiency. However, you can choose any level between 3-5 for what is most comfortable for you.
Level 6-8: Heaviest levels and another bright spot of the Xebex AirPlus Expert Bike 3.0. Best suited for HIIT (high intensity interval training), expert level hill climbs, power training, and burning more calories per hour with higher watts.

• Net Weight: 79kg (174 LBS)
• Ship Weight: 89kg (196 LBS)
• Ship Dimensions: 145x39x96 cm (57x15x38 in)
• Assembled Dimensions: 144x66x139 cm (57x26x55 in)
• Footprint: 144×66 cm (57x26x55 in)
• Max User Weight: 227kg (500 LBS)
• Warranty: 5 year frame, 2 year parts
• Made in Taiwan

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